Broken Wheel
Broken Wheel
Ecclesiastes 9:18

Ecclesiastes 9:18

Be United

- Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good. -

Photo by fauxels:

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. How can a kingdom divided against itself stand? Jesus’s words aren’t a perfect parallel, but there is a lot of common ground between the two phrases.

One of the main thrusts of the New Testament is that the church is supposed to be united and actively living out its mission: the great commission and the greatest commandments.

I’ve always found this idea compelling even when I was young reading Ephesians. If this is how the world will know we are saved, then it has to be a priority!

Well, to make a long story short, I haven’t seen many churches, let alone myself, live this out. When I was younger, I even offended people with this critique in my exuberant zeal.

Some may see this hypocrisy and say, “Well, that proves it! God clearly isn’t real because His own follower’s don’t live out the command that shows they are His disciples!”

It is a common motif, but frankly it shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been saved or read Exodus. We are constantly sinning and not following God’s commands.

As quite an annoying individual, I took my misgivings at the apparent contradiction in a new direction.

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Why are we not living this out? Why are we not showing love to our brothers? Why does church feel like an event and not a way of life?

The answer to that question is extremely complex, one that I don’t think I’ve come remotely close to answering.

The answer is an amalgamation of history, denominations, and culture. To give each of those three their due would require a book each.

And it’s more than that, as that doesn’t touch on the spiritual aspects of why we have struggled to live out the basics.

Perhaps a way to conceive of the problem is a shifting mountain of tasks before us. Once we solved them, we will easily begin to start living the Christian life!

It would be depressing if it wasn’t absolutely foreseen by God Himself.

Well, we are left with an extremely uncomfortable question in light of our verse. If one sinner destroys much good, how about a whole church of them?

Now, I’ve opened a massive can of worms. I’m fully aware that anything I attempt to say is going to fall into two traps.

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One, I’ll commit the sin of omission (not pointing out important context) and the sin of confusion (not expounding on the idea properly). That’s not even beginning to touch the sin of hypocrisy!

From one very sad sinner to another, I would like to offer up this path forward then out of this malaise. It doesn’t solve everything or define everything, but maybe it takes a stone off the pile.

Whatever your spiritual gift is, express it.

The body is to work together, and God has given you a unique way to heal and piece the body of His bride back together.

My radical belief? You are not a member of the church if you are not expressing your gift. It doesn’t matter what the role is. Nobody is a seat warmer.

But Hunter, I don’t know what my gift is. Fine. Take a test. Ask a friend. I don’t care what you do, as long as you truly seek it out.

Perhaps, instead of navel gazing, you may find it in performing. Worse comes to worse, you served someone.

Seek and you will find.


Broken Wheel
Broken Wheel
The audio version of Broken Wheel, a in depth Bible study of the book of Ecclesiastes written by author, Hunter Carl.
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